Tuesday, March 24, 2009

National Diabetes Alert Day TODAY!

March 24th, 2009 is National Diabetes Alert Day and for good reason: 24 million people have diabetes, and over one-third are undiagnosed and unaware. Even more startling is that there are almost 60 million people with pre-diabetes who will develop diabetes unless they are tested and make changes to prevent diabetes and its serious complications like blindness and kidney failure.

The Americans Against Diabetes program is looking for your help to make free diabetes testing available to children in California, since 1 in 4 children in California is at risk for diabetes. Your $20 contribution covers the screening of one child. How many children can you help? Go to www.AmericansAgainstDiabetes.com to make your pledge.

Lindsey Rowe, AAD Campaign Manager
"Giving Children the Healthy Future they Deserve"
805-815-7693 / lindseyrowe7@yahoo.com